Rainbow Cement Colors
Call 1-800-679-8718
RAINBOW CEMENT COLORS are universal pigments which can be used to tint any type of cement or gypsum product. They are completely compatible with one another for mixing so that an endless variety of shades can be achieved.
ADVANTAGES: - Comparatively fast to sunlight - Resistant to alkalies and weak acids - Weather resistant - Uniform, will not deteriorate in storage - Non-reactive, free from soluble salts and acids - Easily dispersed in water, insoluble in water
TECHNICAL DATA: All colors are metal oxides and natural earth pigments and meet the standards established by ASTM C-979 "Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete".
INSTALLATION: Mixing: Tinted Cement Or Gypsum If mixing is done by hand, place the sand in the bottom of the mixing box, spread the cement over it, and sprinkle the predetermined amount of pigment over the cement. The whole batch should be thoroughly mixed dry until the entire batch is of uniform color and free of streaks. Water should then be added to bring the mixture to the proper consistency and the whole batch wet mixed. Do not use more water than is necessary as a wet mix is difficult to handle and weakens the concrete. On large jobs it is often economical to mix mechanically rather than manually. When using a mixer, the same care must be taken in weighing all ingredients and in thoroughly dry mixing to a uniform color before the water is added.