Easy joint is a durable resin sand that fills paver joints. It is stronger than conventional poly sand which is based off of a polymer. Easy joint is applied with water and reacts with the air in contrast to polymeric sand that reacts with the water.
•Thoroughly soak pavers before application of easy joint. When ready open the vacuum sealed bag of easy joint. Once the bag is exposed to air it cannot go back in.... so be prepared for installation.
Two people make the installation job easy – one keeps the surface wet while the other places the easy joint. You can apply in rain or shine... but do not allow easy joint to sit on pavers long as it will get hard – The finished height should be 1/8th of an inch below the top of the pavers.
•Easy joint is available in numerous different colors. Contact us for any paver sand questions or ordering information.
EASYJoint is the original "All Weather Paving Joint Compound" and still the best wet sweep in compound available across the USA. EASYJoint is permeable with a flow rate between 50-70 ins per hour. Others imitate but none match up to the leader! Available in 5 colors, EASYJoint is supplied in ergonomically designed 28lbs tubs.