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AcryliStrip is a versatile stripping agent. Removes acrylics and urethanes. Safe on most surfaces, e.g., wood, glass, metals, aluminum trim, and masonry. Strips alkyd enamel by adding Stripper Cream after AcryliStrip, and then scraping off both. Good for taking off curing compounds from concrete.

Advantages: Non-flammable - Does not burn skin Limitations: Plants may be damaged by direct contact - Do not use on asphalt shingles and vinyl siding

Product literature listed these properties about AcrylicStrip:

Appearance & Odor: Clear to yellow over time, solvent odor.
Physical State: Liquid pH: N/A (neutral)
Vapor Pressure (mmHg): N/A
Vapor Density (air=1): N/A
Boiling Point: 210° F
Freezing/Melting Point: N/A
Specific Gravity (water =1): 0.950
Evaporation Rate: N/A
Solubility in Water: Nil

How to dilute product? Use undiluted (straight).

General Advice: Pre-testing recommended and always follow safety precautions.

More Information: Refer to product label and manufacturer's instructions for additional details.